San Francisco State Tag

EOP Alumni Luisa Sicairos

Luisa Sicairos

I first heard about EOP when I was just starting at City College of San Francisco; however, I heard about EOP a little too late. EOP at CCSF had so many different opportunities and financial support for students enrolled in ...
EOP Alumni Vanesa Hernandez

Vanesa Hernandez

The Educational Opportunity Program genuinely made a positive impact throughout my educational path. I experienced several unforgettable memories with the program; one specific memory that remains with me was the first time I met with my advisor, Yvette Ching. Ching ...
EOP Alumni Richard Ian Cruz Rodrigo

Richard Ian Cruz Rodrigo

I’ve met with at least two handful advisors throughout my time with CCSF/SFSU and none of them got to help and understand me the way Arlene did. Every meeting with her was actually helpful and I left the meetings with ...