History of the Educational Opportunity Program at Sacramento State

EOP History at Sacramento State









The Beginning The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) was developed under a series of historical movements by community activists and students. These movements include the (1954) Brown vs Board of Education, (1956) Rosa Parks & Montgomery Bus Boycott, (1959-61) California Master Plan for Higher Education, and the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s that served as a catalyst for the California State Legislature to provide access to low-income and underrepresented students.


In 1968, Sacramento State was one of several campuses in the California State University system to pilot the EOP program and Dr. Edwin Klingelhofer, a Psychology professor, taught the first class of 36 students. After the first year in 1969, the program was evaluated by Journalism Professor, Dr. William Dorman, who submitted the positive results to the California State Legislature. As a result of the positive evaluation from Sacramento State and other piloted programs, Senate Bill 1072 (the Harmer Bill) established the Educational Opportunity Program at all existing CSU campuses in April of 1969.













This year 2019 commemorates EOP’s 50th Anniversary at Sacramento State. EOP has graduated several thousand students since its establishment on our campus in 1968, leading the way for the access and success of first-generation and low-income scholars, deriving from educationally disadvantaged and historically underrepresented backgrounds. EOP continues to pioneer higher education access efforts to serve California residents from underserved populations helping them to achieve their college dreams. Services of the program include admissions assistance, the provision of a special orientation to university life, Summer Bridge Academy experiences, academic advising, personal counseling, tutoring, financial assistance, course placement into an EOP Learning Community, career workshops, and retention towards graduation through the ARISE Program. Additional components to reach program alumni and the community have been added to extend program services and partnerships.


EOP is the University’s first equity program and is housed among several other equity programs in Student Academic Success and Educational Equity Programs (SASEEP). The SASEEP unit is committed to fostering diversity and equity while promoting a campus learning environment that encourages and supports all students in persisting towards their educational goals by increasing their retention and graduation rates. EOP remains committed to providing access and innovation by providing support services to thousands of underrepresented students each year at Sacramento State. EOP will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary throughout the month of October of 2019 and this celebration will culminate in the Sac State EOP Gala to be held on November 9th, 2019 celebrating a theme of “Unprecedented Innovation and Excellence.” This time of celebration will showcase how vital EOP is to ensuring the access, retention, and graduation achievements of underserved populations. Furthermore, such celebrations will highlight EOP as a major driver of first generation and low-income college student success through its provision of a quality educational experience at Sacramento State.

Landmarks of the Program

1968: The Educational Opportunity Program at Sacramento State launched its first piloted class with 36 students


1969:  State Sen. John Harmer introduces a bill that later enacts EOP into law


1970:  Recruitment and enrollment begins


1972: CSU Chancellor Glen Dumke sets guidelines for the system


Summer 1984: The first class of Summer Bridge students was implemented.


Fall 1995:The first EOP Learning Communities Program was launched entitled “La Familia.”


1999:  Sac State’s incoming EOP class exceeds 300 students


2004: Sac State’s incoming EOP class exceeds 400 students


2006: Dr. Marcellene Watson-Derbigny becomes Director of the Program


Fall 2009: The Educational Opportunity Program at Sacramento State launches its first pilot with a Transfer class of 130 students. EOP offers Transfer Learning Communities to assist students with the completion of upper division general education requirements


2009: EOP celebrates its 40th Anniversary with a theme of 40 and Fabulous


2009: The EOP Retention program: “Aiming Retention Intensive Services for Excellence” ARISE Project” is launched to expand services across class levels from freshmen through senior years


2010: EOP partners with Student Organizations and Leadership to amplify student leadership involvements on the part of students to build campus engagement, campus pride, and personal mentorship


2014: Transfer Bridge is made available in partnership with the DEGREES Project


2014: EOP celebrates its 45th Anniversary through attendance of the statewide conference in San Diego


2015: A Sophomore Bridge Program is piloted to begin summer services for sophomore students


2017: EOP hosts its first Leadership Symposium


2018: EOP launches its signature Alumni Newsletter


2019: EOP begins “Opportunity Talks” to engage continuing EOP students


2009 to the present: EOP offers support services to students in the way of outreach, advising, mentorship, and general student support under new program models created to advance equity and student success