David “Chino” Contreras

Picture of EOP Alumni David Contreras


The memories which come to mind when I think of EOP is running into EOP Mentors throughout campus and having them be supportive and taking time to ask about my day, or how I was doing. I recall this memory because, although I have never been an EOP Mentor, I run into EOP students and can’t help but see these students who I might not know, as family. Asking about their year, their major, hoping just to make them feel like someone understands, just as my EOP Mentors once did and on occasions still do.

I am proud of being able to continue and finish my Undergraduate career as a student despite all the challenges I unknowingly faced throughout my full 6 years. If it wasn’t for EOP staff and faculty, along with their resources and connections on campus I would have never seen myself become the person I am today, and especially would have never been able to reach my potential enough to be called a Masters student currently (2018).

To new EOP students, I’d to say:
although life feels like no one understands.
There is a whole community who feels the exact same way.
Stay focused. Keep moving. Remember to breathe.
And remember you are not alone.
Because who are we?
And will always be.