Cindy Perez

EOP Success Story - Cindy Perez

Cindy graduated from San Diego State University with a B.A. in International Security and Conflict, in 2010


Cindy’s Message:
I have many fond memories of the EOP staff. My first connection to EOP was my counselor, Sal. He was funny, encouraging, and straightforward. I remember telling Sal that I needed to work and he immediately put me in touch with Lorena Malo and Bryan Spencer as they had a student position open. I ended up working with both Lorena and Bryan and they became more than my supervisors. They both served as my mentors. Bryan, Lorena, Sal, as well as the rest of the EOP staff became mentors and my family away from home.

Finding this family helped me make it through undergrad. Even after my undergrad years, I continued to lean on Lorena and Bryan and I have since become a member of the California State Bar.

EOP provided me with the moral support and encouragement when I most needed it and I encourage current EOP students to learn how to ask for help, give back to your peers, and to build a strong network you can leverage.