Chami Vang

EOP Alumni Chami Vang

A memory that comes to mind when I think about EOP is Summer Bridge! At first, I was not excited about attending summer school, but I knew that it would help me get ahead and it did. I was able to connect with people from the same background, meet new friends, and receive support from staff at EOP. I was a young mother attending college and relieved to have met other young mothers like myself. I found me a small group of friends who were like myself; we were there to learn and graduate and not fool around.

Now, I am working on my Clinical Histocompatibility Scientist license which I am very excited about it. After many years of not attending school, I was not sure if I could work full-time, study, and manage my family, but it is going great. I will be taking my exam in September 2018 and look forward to the next phase of my life.

Without the help from EOP, I would not be where I am. Summer Bridge allowed me to experience college before it actually started. It allowed me to be able to familiarized myself with the campus and services it had to offered. The advisor’s guidance and positive support helped want to succeed and graduate.